Volume 25.1 – CUNY Law Review 25th Anniversary Issue

We are excited to announce the publication of the 25th Anniversary Volume of CUNY Law Review, Volume 25.1! The full journal is available at CUNY Academic Works. Please see below for individual articles:

Front Matter

Restorative Justice in Cases of Sexual Harm
Alexa Sardina and Alissa R. Ackerman

Supreme Confusion About Causality at the Supreme Court
Issa Kohler-Hausmann and Robin Dembroff

Who’s Afraid of Bob Jones? “Fundamental National Public Policy” and Critical Race Theory in a Delicate Democracy
Lynn D. Lu

Challenging Weapons Deals Between the United States and Israel: Limitations and Prospects
Ryan J. McNamara

Casting Out from the Inside: Abolishing Felony Disenfranchisement in New York
Elizabeth Neuland

Public Interest Practitioner Section
Elderly, Detained, and Justice-Involved: The Most Incarcerated Generation
Rachael Bedard, Joshua Vaughn, and Angela Silletti Murolo

Footnote Forum
The Impeachment Trials of Donald John Trump: How Senate Jurors Strengthened the Case Against Federal Felon-Juror Exclusion
James M. Binnall

Footnote Forum Podcast
Challenging Reform: A Formerly Incarcerated Student Roundtable Discussion
Colby Williams, Phil Miller, and Jordan Sudol
Listen to the audio recording here

Celebrating 25 Years of CUNY Law Review

In anticipation of the launch of Volume 25, Issue 1 of CUNY Law Review, we are excited to invite you to our 25th Anniversary Event! This event will be a very special occasion as we reflect on prior years since the Law Review’s founding to today. We have a rich agenda planned and many names and articles to lift up. 

Current Issue Spotlight: Restorative Justice in Cases of Sexual Harm

We are also thrilled to spotlight our article, Restorative Justice in Cases of Sexual Harm, featured in Volume 25.1 and to invite you to a cutting-edge discussion in the social justice arena with authors Alexa Sardina and Alissa R. Ackerman. This discussion and Q&A will be co-moderated by Dean ​Yvette Wilson-Barnes and CUNY Law Review Executive Articles Editor, Brittney Frey.

Friday, March 4, 2022
6-7 pm ET
CUNY Law Review‘s 25th Anniversary Event will be live streamed. Please RSVP here. 

Followed by an Intimate Conversation with the Authors

Current CUNY students and staff are invited to stay after the event for an intimate gathering with the authors. The purpose of this session is to provide a smaller, emotionally safe space for sharing and connection among CUNY community members. This space will not be recorded.
Separate RSVP to brittney.frey@live.law.cuny.edu required.

The first issue of Volume 25, featuring Alexa and Alissa’s article, will be available on February 22nd. Stay tuned!

Dr. Alissa Ackerman (left) and Dr. Alexa Sardina, authors of Restorative Justice in Cases of Sexual Harm.

Dr. Alissa R. Ackerman is an Associate Professor in the Division of Politics, Administration and Justice at California State University, Fullerton.She has dedicated her career to studying sex crimes policy and practice, the etiology of sexual offending, the effects of sexual victimization, and restorative  justice options for those impacted by sexual harm.  She is a “survivor scholar”, in that she integrates her personal experience with sexual violence with her professional expertise as a sex crimes researcher. She has worked with over 500 men and women who have perpetrated acts of sexual harm using vicarious restorative justice. Alissa has written extensively on topics related to sexual violence in blogs and magazine articles and has published over 35 peer-reviewed journal articles.  She has authored or edited six books and recently served as co-editor on a special edition of the Journal of Sexual Abuse. Her most recent book, Healing from Sexual Violence: The Case for Vicarious Restorative Justice was published in 2019. Alissa has been an invited speaker in venues across North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.  She has given over fifty national and international talks on her sex crimes work including a TEDx Talk in 2018. With Alexa, she hosts the popular podcast, Beyond Fear: The Sex Crimes Podcast.

Dr. Alexa D. Sardina, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at California State University, Sacramento in the Division of Criminal Justice. Her scholarship focuses on female-perpetrated sexual violence, and how restorative processes can be used to address acts of sexual harm. Dr. Sardina has written and presented on research that combines her experience as an expert on sexual violence and rape survivor to encourage the perspective of “survivor scholars”. This brings an important perspective to sex crimes policy, treatment and healing, and aid in communal sexual violence prevention efforts. Dr. Sardina is also a co-founder of Ampersands Restorative Justice, a non-profit organization dedicated to using restorative processes to address sexual harm. She also co-hosts the popular podcast, Beyond Fear: The Sex Crimes Podcast.

Volume 25.1, Footnote Forum, Part 1

We are excited to publish Volume 25.1, Footnote Forum, Part 1. This installment features David Campbell, a former political prisoner, who discusses what “defunding the police” and “reinvesting in communities” could mean if reinvestment took the form of paying incarcerated workers suitable wages. Professor Steve Zeidman, Director of the Defenders Clinic at CUNY School of Law, writes on the notion of whether prosecutors can actually be progressive.

Footnote Forum exists to challenge our assumptions about legal scholarship. For Volume 25.1, we invite readers to consider the value of lived experiences. What can the lives of those directly impacted by the criminal legal system teach us, especially when they have no access to databases normally used for legal research? Does this perspective provide a fuller understanding of the law, and is that valuable for scholarship?

– Natasha Bynum and Colby Williams, Footnote Forum Editors

Footnote Forum is publishing Parts 2 and 3 in December 2021 and February 2022. The full journal is available at CUNY Academic Works. Please see below for individual articles:

Footnote Forum, Part 1

Editors’ Note by Natasha Bynum and Colby Williams

Virtuous Prosecutors? by Steven Zeidman

Decarceration Means Funding the Incarcerated by David Campbell

Q&A with David Campbell by David Campbell

Supreme Court Watch: A Preview of the 2021-2022 Term

CUNY Law Review presents Supreme Court Watch: A Preview of the 2021-2022 Term.

The Supreme Court returned on Monday, October 4th, for its 2021-2022 term and the justices will hear cases on a number of important issues, including, but not limited to: abortion, due process, ineffective assistance of counsel, jury selection, venue selection, free speech, and equal protection.

Please join our panelists for a thoughtful discussion about the previous term and what is likely to unfold in the next Supreme Court term.

Professor Frank Deale
Professor Ramzi Kassem
Professor Stephen Loffredo
Professor Seann Riley
Professor Cynthia Soohoo
Moderated by Mitchell Mirtil, CUNY Law Review‘s Community Engagement Editor

Supreme Court Watch: A Preview of the 2021-2022 Term

The Supreme Court returns on Monday, October 4th, for its 2021-2022 term and the justices will hear cases on a number of important issues, including, but not limited to: abortion, due process, ineffective assistance of counsel, jury selection, venue selection, free speech, and equal protection. Please join our panelists for a thoughtful discussion about the previous term and what is likely to unfold in the next Supreme Court term.

Professor Frank Deale 
Professor Ramzi Kassem 
Professor Stephen Loffredo 
Professor Seann Riley 
Professor Cynthia Soohoo
Moderated by Mitchell Mirtil, CUNY LawReview‘s Community Engagement Editor

When: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 from 5:30PM to 6:30PM 
Where: Zoom
Please register to attend this event: 

CUNY Law Review Blog

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Welcome (back)!

Hello from the 2019-2020 CUNY Law Review Editorial Board! If you’re reading this, you’ve found our website. We’re currently in the process of relaunching and repopulating this independently-run site with previous years’ content. In the future, you can expect to see Footnote Forum pieces, news about our upcoming events, and other timely updates.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, and thank you for supporting scholarship for social justice.

Climate Change, Environmental Justice and Urban Resilience event

This Friday, Oct. 6, we will be co-sponsoring a climate change conference at the school. Please join us as we listen to a host of incredible speakers on the issues of climate justice and community resilience. RSVP here: https://support.law.cuny.edu/climate-change.

Please join us next Tuesday, September 19th, when we discuss Public Corruption and the Rule of Law. Preet Bharara will be in conversation with moderation by Brian Lehrer. Other guests include Zephyr Teachout, Julie Sorenson, and David Hoffman. The event is being cosponsored with Sorenson Center.

RSVP here.

Conversation with Mary Bassett, Commissioner of New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Please join us Tuesday, September 12, 5:00 p.m., at CUNY School of Law as we co-sponsor a conversation with Mary Bassett, who is commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Bassett will discuss her incredible work, which centers on racism as a leading public health threat.

RSVP here.