Freedom of the Press in Hungary & the United States: A Comparative Review

Zane McNeill & Riley Clare Valentine

Volume 27.2 (download PDF)


This paper compares both Hungary’s and the United States’ treatment of journalists’ freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Journalists in both Hungary and the United States face specific threats to these freedoms. Journalists face political pressure in Hungary and animosity and scrutiny in the United States under private consolidation. Additionally, coverage that is critical of the state and supports marginalized communities faces heightened scrutiny. Nonetheless, we contend that journalists within the United States have potential options in protecting their freedom of expression such as those indicated in Rodriguez-Cotto v. Pierluisi-Urrutia.

Zane McNeill & Riley Clare Valentine, Freedom of the Press in Hungary & the United States: A Comparative Review, 27 CUNY. L. Rev. F. 1 (2024).